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Mutual Aid
The most common principal organisations offering mutual aid to sufferers of mental health issues such as addiction are twelve step fellowships or those loosely based around that criteria albeit often subtly masked.
As such it has historically been difficult to assess the provision of such aid with reference to the twelve steps. With the introduction of the Twelve Steps Intuitively (TSI) model as a tool of assessment, this is no longer the case.
Using the TSI model we are now able to assess all forms of mutual aid provision in that regard and also to quality assess private organisations purporting to provide such treatments.
Accordingly, Facilitating Access to Mutual Aid (FAMA) is now a process that can be evaluated with regard to appropriateness and consistency.
Similarly, all those engaged in Mutual Aid (FAMA) can be evaluated in terms of knowledge and professional capability through reference to the TSI model and examination of founding knowledge when appropriate or necessary. Such evaluation and qualification would seem appropriate for any person directly involved with service users.
When service users are vulnerable it appears critical that associated staff or carers have an appropriate awareness of the twelve steps as can reasonably only be evaluated by reference to the TSI model.
9T Degrees is the only firm qualified to assess, audit and regulate such processes in the world.